Text-Header Spacing from Top

This support request was posted in Flatbase by tleuxner

Request ID #36241 Resolved
  • Hi,

    I installed the theme yesterday and like it a lot. When using a text header with the “Minimal” layout, the spacing of the red text header from the top is different depending on the view:


    If you navigate to the article the text header is further away from the top (it is pushed down a bit):


    This creates a bit of an uneasy effect as the header “jumps” when browsing articles vs categories.

    Another little thing I noticed is in regard to the idents of “pre” tags. My configuration snippets look fine in the editor but they lose all the indent when rendered inside the article – well some do. The same article depicts the problem:


    Zone configuration shows no idents while pre-tagged boxes above it correctly display the “whitespace”.


    Hi Thomas,

    Thank you for writing. I hope you are doing well.

    We’ll be checking the logo issue.

    With regards to the pre tag, are you using any plugin that may change the styles for it?

    Would you please try adding the following CSS:

    pre, pre code {
        white-space: pre-wrap !important;


    Thanks Juan,

    I added the CSS to the Custom Section and it works fine now. Much appreciated.


    Hi Thomas,

    Thanks for the follow-up.

    Regarding the other issue, it has to do with a CSS inheritance. As you are using the text title option, the logo is rendered in an H1 tag, and it is taking the same size as the article title (and by that, the line height as well). So, you can apply a small fix by adding the following CSS:

    body.single-article #logo h1 {
        font-size: 32px;


    Excellent. This works now too.

    Thanks for resolving this so quickly.


    Hi Thomas,

    My pleasure 🙂

    Have a nice day,

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