Uploading pictures

This support request was posted in General Support by anuparyal

Request ID #4806 In Progress
  • Hi Juan,

    I am trying to add a background picture to my website.

    If I use a picture with a large screen resolution (3886×2588), I get a HTTP error when the file is uploading.

    I read an article suggesting it was a plugin problem rather than wordpress. Any thoughts?

    Thank you,

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hello Anup,

    Thanks for writing. In my opinion that has more to do with WordPress and your server configuration.

    Each server has some configuration regarding the filesize they take for uploads. I’d recommend you trying with a smaller image and if everything goes well, then ask your hosting provider why is that you can’t upload your image.


    Okay thank you. I’ll look into it.


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Anup,

    No problem.


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