About this plugin↑ Back to Top

Nice Likes easily adds “likes” functionality to your website without requiring you to write a single line of code, while offering a lot of possibilities for developers to extend its functionality. You can make use of likes natively, or add them using a template tag (PHP function).

This plugin is fully integrated with WordPress. It makes use of its native architecture to show likes for your content, and includes a huge set of hooks, so you can customize it in any way you need.

Nice Likes works right out of the box with any theme.

Installation↑ Back to Top

Using The WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the “Add New” link in the plugins dashboard.
  2. Search for “Nice Likes”.
  3. Click “Install Now”.
  4. Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard.

Uploading in WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the “Add New” in the plugins dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the “Upload” area.
  3. Select nice-likes.zip from your computer.
  4. Click “Install Now”.
  5. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard.

Using FTP

  1. Download nice-likes.zip.
  2. Extract the nice-likes directory to your computer.
  3. Upload the nice-likes directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  4. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard.

Setting up↑ Back to Top

Once you installed and activated the plugin, you can go to Settings > Likes and tweak the options there.

Template tag (PHP function)↑ Back to Top

The simplest way to include likes in your own templates is using our nice_likes() function. This is a very basic usage example:

if ( function_exists( 'nice_likes' ) ) :

However, we recommend you to use the nice_likes_custom action, which allows to select via Settings > Likes where likes will be displayed. In the settings page, you’ll be presented with three options for the location of your likes: before your post content, after your post content, or in a custom location. If you chose the later, you’re gonna need to add <?php do_action( 'nice_likes_custom' ); ?> to the the part of your template where you want your likes to display, while still having the possibility to move them to the top or bottom of your content in case you need to.

Using custom CSS↑ Back to Top

You can load a custom stylesheet by using wp_enqueue_script() and adding your custom CSS to your own file. However, if you really want to get rid of the default CSS of Nice Likes, so you can avoid overriding our styles, you can check the “Avoid Plugin CSS” option in Settings > Likes.


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