Smart comes packed and has a special integration with the popular Visual Composer Page Builder plugin. This means that we have specially developed functionalities in order to maintain the Page Builder main features such as drag and drop, content creation and others, but using our own powerful and revised elements.
You DO NOT have to buy any Visual Composer license to use or update the plugin with the theme.
Our Visual Composer integration gives, as a result, a unique experience when using the Page Builder mode.
We paid special attention to maintaining the features most WordPress websites need, and as a consequence, we have developed to detail more than 20 powerful revised modules, with the exact options you need to create endless layouts.
It is really simple to start creating with the Page Builder. When creating a Page, Post or other post types all you need to do is click on the “Backend Editor” button below the “Title” input and your editor will switch into something like what you can see in the image attached to this article.
Once you have enabled the Page Builder you will see a toolbar with 4 icons. Two on the left, and two on the right.
From Left to right, the icons are:
- Add Element: Looks like a [+]. By clicking this button you will have access to the elements library for the Page Builder. Once you choose any, all you need to do is fill the different details in order to make it look like you want and click save changes. The most important thing to understand is how the grid system works, with its rows and columns.
- Templates: You can save and use different templates for different pages/posts.
- Full Screen: You can switch the view in order to have the editor in full screen.
- Page Settings: Here you can add custom CSS and it will only work for that specific post/page.