Mobile Issues: Nav & Phone Number

This support request was posted in Paeon by bjeaneen

Request ID #3000 In Progress
  • Howdy — I’m editing this theme for my client and I need to know:

    1) The 3 line menu icon is actually a “?” — how do I fix that…

    2) In the demo, (Mobile) the navigation stretches across the width… mine doesn’t do that… how do I fix it.

    3) How do I change the active/selected nav bg color in the menu from the default blue?

    3) My client doesn’t have social so, how do I get the phone number to show up

    4) Is it possible to turn the Appointment box on and have it drop under the testimonials?


    Hi There,

    Thanks for writing.

    1) Actually it seems that the file style.css have been saved with other encoding or something. The three lines should be found in the line 389 of the file style.css

    2) Did you save the navigation menu and set the location?

    3) This should be related to what I’ve mentioned in item #2. If you want you can send me your FTP details over, with a reference to this topic and I’ll take a look.

    3i) You have to enable the social links in the “Home Options” section of the “Theme Options”and then save the telephone number in the Business Setup section. Once you’ve done this, if there’s no social link saved, then the page will display only the phone number.

    4) Unfortunately, with the theme as it is right now, that’s not possible. The Appointments box only works as a widget and can be used only in widgetized spaces.

    Thanks for your patience.

    Thanks for the reply… I have everything solved except the following:

    1) With all the boxes checked to display Social Options… I still don’t see the phone in the responsive (mobile phone) layout. Your demo only shows social… this client has no social so I need the phone and text to show.

    2) I also need to turn off the slider for the mobile phone and tablet portrait view size… It just doesn’t make sense without text.

    Hi there,

    No problem.

    1) Then you’ll need to override the responsive styles that are hiding that section:

    @media screen and (max-width: 685px) {
    .home-social .main-title .right {
        display: block;

    2) With regards to the slider, you can also do the magic with CSS:

    @media screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
    .flexslider {
        display: none;

    You can check how to add custom CSS here:


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