Slider text not disappearing for phone

This support request was posted in Paeon by randyklein

Request ID #2473 Resolved
  • On the demo, the slider caption disappears at phone sizes. This is not working on my site. The caption stays at phone sizes, and looks pretty bad. I see the .flex-caption {display: none;} code in the @media screen and (max-width: 1024px) section of the CSS. When I look at my site in the browser, I see Media=”all” for the slider caption on my site, but I see media=”screen” for the same element in the demo. I haven’t touched the source for the site. I have managed everything through the WordPress UI. Can you please point me in the right direction?


    Hello Randy,

    Thanks for writing.

    What do you mean when you have managed everything through the WordPress UI? You haven’t done any custom scripting at all?


    Juan, correct.

    Hello Randy,

    Thanks for your prompt response. Is there any chance you have installed a plugin that might be causing conflict with the classes of the slider?

    Would you send me an FTP account to so I can take a look?


    Hi Juan,

    Not a single plugin installed. I will email you a FTP account.

    Hi Randy,

    Thanks for the information. We’ve been through your site and it was a bug that it actually happens when the site has only one slide. I’ve updated the styles for your theme and everything should be working now.

    Have a nice day,

    Thanks so much for the support Juan!

    No problem 🙂

    Thanks for your patience.

    Have a nice day,

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