- PinkImp March 13, 2013 at 5:22 pm
I have followed the documentation to the letter.
what i am trying to do is in the pub, we have a few different menus, a lunchtime menu, dinner menu and a specials menu. i want all of these on different pages.
I have also followed this forum query: http://nicethemes.com/forums/topic/menu-categories-pages/
Basically i understand it all, not to make pages for each menu but rather categories and have sub categories for each type of food within the menu. However, what i can’t find is the menu categories on the left as you scroll down the ‘APPERANCE>MENU’ page. it isn’t there on the left. Just Custom Links / Pages / Categories… but no menu categories.
Please help it is starting to get me wound up.
Juanfra Aldasoro March 13, 2013 at 5:35 pmHello Jon,
Thanks for writing. Sometimes by default, WordPress hide some of these left boxes on the left side of Appearance > Menus.
To select which boxes you want to include over there, you need to look at the right top part of the screen (when you’re on that page, Appearance > Menus) and click where it says “Screen Options”. Once you click over there, some options will slide down. You should see “Menu Categories” over there. Just check that box and that will make the magic, the “Menu Categories” box will appear on the left side of that screen.
Juan.PinkImp March 13, 2013 at 5:48 pmJuan, Fantastic, thanks for the incredibly fast response! All working now. I do have other questions but I am trying to get through it myself so I understand the back end perfectly.
Juanfra Aldasoro March 13, 2013 at 5:52 pmHi Jon,
Awesome 🙂 Please if the new question is not related to this one, open a new topic. This way, the forum will keep more organized.
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