Adding posts to the "Latest Work" area

This support request was posted in General Support by ifssvas

Request ID #1134 Resolved
  • I would like to add posts to the “Latest Work” area by adding in shortcode or however it can be done.

    I found a WordPress plug-in to add to that section and here is the code: [ic_add_posts ids=’185′]

    I tried this on a normal page I added and it was able to pull in the post, but when I tried to add that to the “Portfolio” area that is for the “Latest Work” section, it did not work.

    Can you help me figure out how I can pull posts into those areas?


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Jerome,

    At the moment that part of the home page template is hardcoded. Maybe what you can do, if you want to have posts there instead of portfolio items is modify the query.

    That would be removing the line #134

    'post_type' => 'portfolio',


    Where is the query that I modify?

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Sorry, when I mentioned the home template I meant the file template-home.php


    Ok, that worked, but it deleted the little pictures that was above them.

    Anyway, to get pics on each one of those items?

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Jerome,

    Those images are the featured images. As it was before, those featured images corresponded to the portfolio items. Now, you have tonassign featured images for the posts.


    Duh…that was too easy:)

    Thanks and this one can be closed.

    I have to tell you, you are GREAT SUPPORT and I appreciate all of your help you have given me.

    Thanks so much!

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Thanks for your kind words, Jerome 🙂

    Have a nice day,

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