Slider problems and translation opening hours

This support request was posted in BBQ by studioversemelk

Request ID #1542 In Progress
  • studioversemelk


    I’ve got two problems with your BBQ theme.

    When I want to add a slide with the featured image and update the slide then the image isn’t showing up in the home-page. It is showing a white blank box with a ? in the middle. Also the size of the box that is showing is huge.

    I’ve set acces to the cache-folder to 777. I also resized the image to the correct size.

    I need to set the language of the opening hours widget to Dutch. Can you please tell me how to do this?

    Also I want the hours that are shown to be set as: 16.30 – 23.00 instead of 04.30 – 11.00 PM.

    Can you please help me with these problems?

    Thank you very much!

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hello there,

    Thanks for writing.

    1. With regards to the slider, I’ve been through your site and the slides didn’t have the featured image. Plus, the slider wasn’t enabled. However once I’ve done this the timthumb is giving an error within your server, I’ll send you the error by email because it seems that your server is not allowing the script to run, you may have to contact your hosting provider about this.

    2. You can check an explanation on how to translate your theme here:

    3. With regards to the hours format, you can set that through the options panel, over “Theme Options > Business Setup”. If you see the field “Hours Format”, you can choose your own time format, based on the “date()” php function. Yours would be: H:i


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