slide problems

This support request was posted in Paeon by konchalov

Request ID #2226 Resolved
  • Hi!) i’m doing it for the first time so i need step-by-step instruction. and i’m so sorry for this silly question. i just wanted to add text on my sliding header like in the “demo site”. but i did’t find how to do it;((

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi there,

    Thanks for writing and thanks for purchasing the theme.

    Whenever you create a slide (from the WordPress admin, on the left part, “Slides > Add New”) you can pick a Title and then the description. The description will be the content that will be shown on each slide.

    If the content is not showing you can check the slider configuration over the “Nice Themes > Theme Options > Slider Options” and make sure that the “Display Caption” option is checked and saved.

    I hope this helps, if not, please let me know how can I help you.


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