Update failed

This support request was posted in Paeon by cybrbaer

Request ID #2505 Resolved
  • I am trying to update my theme. I downloaded the zip to my local system. in WP, I chose upload and pointed the FTP to my newly stored zip file for install

    Unpacking the package…

    Installing the theme…

    Destination folder already exists. /atp-lifestyle-modification.com/constructionroom/wp-content/themes/paeon/

    Theme install failed.


    Thanks for writing.

    The “paeon” folder must already exist in your wp-content/themes folder. And it should be a directory permission issue.

    Can you login to your site via FTP? If so, delte the “paeon” folder and try reinstalling the theme. You might want to just download the theme to your computer and install it manually, via FTP.


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