This support request was posted in BBQ by rammendoza

Request ID #340 Resolved
  • Hello There,

    I managed to set-up the navigation menu in word press, and set up the MENU page. However, since I’m going to use the template more for Food Photrography. I would like to have THE MENU CATEGORY TEMPLATE as the PAGE when i click or viewers click the MENU from the Naviagation MENU of the template.

    would that be possible? like the example in the demo live page, you have shown how “THE MENU CATEGORY” looks like. But I can’t seem to figure out how to ge that MENU Category out similar to the demo at the same time will be the page when the MENU at the navigation menu is clicked.

    Kind regards


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hello Ram,

    Thanks for writing. When you create a food item, you can assign one or more food categories to that item. So, make sure to pick the category when creating a food item.

    Then, if you want to show the category page in the menu, all you have to do is pick the food category from the left side and add it to the menu. If you can’t find it, take a deep look to the left side when you are in the WordPress Menu page (Appearance > Menus). You’ll see you can add custom links, pages, food menus, categories, menu categories.

    The food category template is automatically designed, it’s a taxonomy template.

    Let me know if you need any further assistance,

    Hello Juan thanks for quick reply, Appreciate it very much
    here what’s happened


    as you can see this my Menu, i managed to get the MENU (GRID). I have two categories setup, the Basic set-up and styled setup, under those two categories i have one food menu example each, the white background and styled styled set up

    i wanted just to have a single page…showing for example jus the basic set-up i have created…similar to your Menu category page in your demo.

    2.) if you looked at the hours

    my operating hours for example the monday say 09:00AM – 09:00AM…how to change the closing hour? can I also change the hours to text say RESERVED or with Reservation.


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hello Ram,

    No problem.

    1) that’s exactly what I’ve explained in the previous message. You can include any menu category in your wordpress menu. In this case would be the following

    Just go to your site dashboard ( and check the page under Appearance > Menus. When there, just scroll and you’ll see on the left part that there’s a section for Menu Categories. Pick the one you need and add that to the menu. Then you can change the label, and reorder the items as you need.

    2) Here’s a link to another topic where we’ve explained how to set the opening hours >

    Have in mind that there’s a question mark beside each item on the options panel that when hovered give you a quick tip of how that field works.

    Unfortunately you can’t put text on the opening hours. Maybe you can put that within the description of your pages. Or maybe using a text widget below or above the opening hours one.


    Hello Again Juan!

    1.) WOW, thanks for very quick reply..I really really appreciate this its helps me. Because i’m new to wordpress and thanks for your patience.

    This is exactly what i wanted…how did it happened? :)….But i was wondering if this could appear on my MENU because i just need a single page to list all my services and price.

    2.) Ok, thanks on about closing hour. with the text, can this be done with some coding?

    3.) sorry, i have to add this reading about the galllery, do i need to purchase the fancybox plugins? also, if i look at fancybox site. seems i need to edit the files and add lines and coding? I’m worried how to do it and worried will make a mistake?

    4.) then after the coding on fabcybox, how to add the images

    sorry i again being novice here

    appreciate really


    Hello Ram,

    No problem. I’m here to help 🙂

    Have you read how to set a menu in the theme docs? Maybe reading that could clear some doubts about how to set the menu categories. ( )

    The link I’ve sent you ( ) is automatically generated. That’s the category template for each menu category. If you want to add that to your navigation menu ( the one on top of your site ), all you need to do is go to the WordPress menu administration of your site ( ), scroll down and look to the left part of your screen. You’ll see a box with all the Menu Categories. Pick the ones you want and add them to the menu.

    2) Where do you want to put that? I think the best solution would be using the “Text Widget” below or above the “Opening Hours Widget”.

    3 & 4) With regards to the gallery, our theme come packed with Fancybox2 by fancyapps. We bought the license (valued at $89, included in our themes) in order to include the gallery in any site. We’ve answered a question about how to use the gallery before. Maybe you can check what we explained there:


    Thanks Juan

    Will try all your advice..if i got stucked will leave a message again

    Thanks again!
    RAM 🙂

    Brilliant 🙂 Please if you have concerns about different issues I recommend you to open different topics. This way others could take advantage of previous questions. (In this case, I would have opened a new ticket for the opening hours problem and another one for the gallery question)

    Thank you,

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