Remove Appointment Required Field

This support request was posted in General Support by danblank

Request ID #3746 In Progress
  • I would like to keep the widget for the appointments on the home page however i would like to remove the appointment selection as it is not required.

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi There,

    Thanks for writing.

    You mean the date selection?


    Yes please, i just want to remove this as my client does not want customers to pick a date.

    Juanfra Aldasoro


    Thanks for your fast response.

    Unfortunately that can’t be done through the theme options, you’ll need to edit the javascripts in order to avoid having the date field as mandatory.

    I’d recommend you to have a look at the nice_appointment_js() function in /includes/scripts.php

    And also, to remove the field, you’ll need to edit the widget in /paeon/includes/widgets/widget-appointments.php


    ok so basically there is no way of doing it without serious javascript knowledge?????????

    This is out of our scope which is why we nought the theme!

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Dan,

    Thanks for writing back.

    Yes, at the moment the way to do that would be editing a few lines of code. For example, removing the line #372 of the file /includes/scripts.php will remove the restriction of having the date field as mandatory.

    Every single product has its own restrictions regarding options and customisability, in this case, at the moment, with the theme as it is right now the only way to achieve what you need is digging into a bit of code.


    Hi Juan.

    We removed this line but unfortunately it did not stop the theme from asking for the appointment!

    Juanfra Aldasoro


    Would you please paste here the content of the line that you have removed?



    Thanks Juan!


    will not allow me to paste full code!

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Dan,


    I get it. So, you remove that line and you still get the error message when trying to submit the form?


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