Division by zero error

This support request was posted in Netelier by dkat1043

Request ID #5411 In Progress
  • I see that someone talked about this a while ago, but I don’t see a solution. I am getting a “division by zero” PHP warning each time Netelier runs. The error reads: mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Warning: Division by zero in [my home directory]wp-content/themes/netelier/template-home.php on line 161. Note that I have put [my home directory in place of my actual one]. Can you please tell me how to fix this? Thanks.

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Dan,

    Thanks for writing.

    Would you please tell me what version of Netelier are you running? You can check the version number in the “Appearance > Themes” section.


    Thanks, Juan. It’s 1.0.5.

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Dan,

    I’d recommend you to update to the latest version (1.0.8 http://updates.nicethemes.com/themes/netelier/changelog.txt) and check if the notice problem is fixed.

    Also, did you save the options in the options panel?


    I upgraded to 1.0.8, and saved the options. I’m still getting the error, although now it refers to line 180 instead of line 161. Line 180 reads ` <li id="post-” class=””>`

    There’s more to line 180, but it got removed from my post. . It’s template-home.php, line 180.

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Dan,

    Thanks, I see. It seems that it is not recognising the variable $columns. Perhaps there’s some code missing.

    Would you please send me your FTP access details to support@nicethemes.com so I can take a look?


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