Supported WordPress Version

This support request was posted in Flatbase by johnwoodssiatech

Request ID #6719 In Progress
  • Hello,

    I am having issues importing the demo.xml file. Using the import function results in a blank page. If I refresh the page after import it states the file is empty.

    What is the latest version of WordPress that the Flatbase theme has been (successfully) tested with?

    I am running WordPress version 4.4.1 on CentOS 7.

    Thank you,


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi John,

    Thank you for writing. Our themes are compatible with the latest version of WordPress. Have you tried re-downloading the XML file and checking that the download was made correctly (checking that the file is not empty).



    Hello Juan,

    Yes, I have tried that. I downloaded the file (50.5 KB) from the link provided. I then unzip it and see the flatbase.wordpress.demo.xml file (603 KB).

    I installed the WordPress importer plugin as instructed and am able to browse to and import the .xml file but WordPress then generates a blank screen.

    There are instructions in the beginning of the .xml file that reference the need to ‘map the author to a user’. When inporting the .xml file with WordPress I do not see any such option.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you,

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi John,

    Thank you for the follow up. Unfortunately this is a problem related to the WordPress importer and not the theme. Have you checked the permissions of the uploads folder? Because from what I can see the problem is given once you try to upload the XML. If the folder has restrictions then the script won’t work.

    Are you working locally? Have you checked the error log to see what can be causing the problem?


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