Importing Demo Contents is fairly simple and it takes no more than a couple minutes. To install a demo pack, you need to go to the “Smart > Install Demos”
Once you’re on that screen you can browse the different demos and click the “Install” button to install any of them
You can check the demonstration video to learn how to import demo packs.
Important Notes↑ Back to Top
Avoid importing in Live Sites
Because of the nature of this process, we strongly advise you against using this feature on live sites. Its main purpose is to provide a quick start when creating new ones. But importing in live sites is a bad idea. And always, always, always back up your site before running the importing process.
New content will be added
Installing a demo adds new content to your site. This means that the new content will end up mixed with any content you may have now (unless you choose to remove it first by checking the box in the sidebar).
Do you want to remove content?
If you choose to remove the current content, your current pages, posts, categories, tags, widgets and plugin-related data will be erased. Choose this option only if you want to make a fresh start. Please have in mind that you need to have a backup of your site and we do not take responsibility for it.
Backup your site
The current state of the site will not be backed up. This means that this process can’t be automatically undone; if you may want to restore the site as it is before the import, you should perform a manual backup before proceeding.
Stay online
Some of the contents to import (mainly images) are hosted in the cloud. You’ll need to be connected to the internet to complete the import.
Be patient
Importing content for an entire site can take minutes, so grab a cup of coffee and have some patience while the contents are being installed. You can check the system status to see if your web server is ready for the import
Server Requirements↑ Back to Top
The one click demo importer need to meet the following requirements in order to work correctly. Please have in mind that you can check these by going to your system status page. If you don’t meet the requirements you will need to contact your hosting provider in order to make the changes.
- WordPress 4.8 or higher
- MySQL 5.6 or higher
- PHP 5.6 or higher
- PHP Memory Limit: 256 MB or higher
- PHP Time Limit: 300 seconds or higher
- PHP Maximum POST Size: 32 MB or higher
- PHP Maximum Input Variables: 3000 or higher
- PHP Remote GET: Enabled
- Xdebug: Disabled
If your server meets all the requirements and the import process keeps failing, please read our documentation article explaining the different possible scenarios and a guide to manually import the demo pack.