Background image + color
This support request was posted in BBQ by bgarelli
- bgarelli February 7, 2013 at 12:06 am
I would like to make the background of my site one full image, but I don’t want the menus, logo and info boxes to be transparent (showing the image right behind). Is it possible to modify the theme so that there is a white background that fits all of the content area but doesn’t go full-width, so that you can see a photograph background behind it?
Thank you!
Juanfra Aldasoro February 7, 2013 at 1:01 amHi,
At this moment you cant’ do that through the options panel. However, you can play a bit with css to have something like you mention.
In order to have an image as background of the whole page you should have the following CSS:
body{ background: url(;}
Replace for the path of the image you want to use.
Then for the white background around the content:
#header #top{ background: #fff;} #container {background: #fff;}
You can include these portions of CSS within your theme options (Custom CSS) or in your theme custom.css file.
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