I’d like the background image to be visible behind the lower container of the home page, but not on the other pages. Is this possible?
Hi Laura,
Thanks for writing.
I don’t know what you mean by “lower container”.
You can set up things only for the home page with a simple CSS rule. You need to start your definition with:
For example:
body.home{ background: #000; }
willl put a black background only in your home page.
Right now I have #container {background: #fff;} in my CSS. But I would like that to not apply to the homepage
is it – body.home{ container: never; } or something like that?
Hi Laura,
You can use this:
body.home #container{ background: transparent; }
I can’t thank you enough for all your help today. thanks, Juan
No problem Laura 🙂 I’m happy to help.
Have a nice day,