Can't Re-download Theme Zip

This support request was posted in BBQ by westbourneswansea

Request ID #2331 In Progress
  • westbourneswansea

    Hi guys,

    Mucked up my site a bit so decided delete and start a fresh

    However I’m having trouble redownloading the theme from your site. The file is available to download but it just seems to download a corrupt or empty zip file.

    Also could you send me the XML file for the demo site again? I found it much easier working backwards from that last time.

    Thanks Mark

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hello Mark,

    Thanks for writing.

    We’ve sent over the XML demo data.

    With regards to the ZIP file, we’ve revised the file and everything seems to be ok. Would you please try again and confirm me if the problem is still occurring?



    hi guys,

    Thanks for your reply but the file still won’t download – just get an empty zip file.

    Have tried is also on different browser and get same result.

    Was just about to try from my phone but now getting “Download limit exceeded for this file”message.

    Not sure if related but also when i try to download a copy of the invoice I get the message “The database has encountered a problem, please try again later. ”

    Anyway hope this helps

    PS haven’t received the XML of the demo email yet – could you forward it to my personal account as we do have problems receiving attachments to company accounts


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hello Mark,

    Thanks for writing. We’ve reviewed again the file and the file is there and working. I’ve just sent you a copy of the XML + Theme + Invoice to this new email you mentioned.

    Would you please tell me more about your set up? Operating System, browser, etc?

    Have you tried to download the file in another computer?

    With regards to the Invoice we’ll be reviewing the issue.

    Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hello there,

    I hope you’re doing well. I was wondering how it went with the download after I’ve sent you the instructions on the file weight by email.


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