Change title for “Opening Hours” widget when it’s on the Contact Us page? I change the title for the widget when it’s placed in the footer but that didn’t change it on the Contact us page.
Hello there,
Thanks for writing. The Business Hours in the Contact Page isn’t a widget. Anyway, you can edit that text through the code. You need to open the file template-contact.php in any text editor and look for these lines
< ?php _e( 'Opening Hours', 'nicethemes' ); ?>
< ?php echo nice_opening_hours(); ?>
You need to edit the following line:
_e( 'Opening Hours', 'nicethemes' );
And replace Opening Hours with the text you want.
I would recommend you to make a backup of the original file.
Thank you! Worked perfectly. 🙂
I’m happy to hear that 🙂
Have a nice day,