Custom logo

This support request was posted in BBQ by neefje

Request ID #286 Resolved
  • Hi, when I edit the logo and save my own logo apears. Great! But when I exit the Theme options menu, go somewhere else, return to the Theme options menu the field with the URL of the custom logo is empty. So when I edit something else in the Theme options menu and press save the standard BBQ logo apears again.

    So every time I edit something in the Theme options menu I have to change the custom logo to my own logo.

    Sorry for the inconvenience. We’re checking what can be causing this problem.

    We’ll get back to you as soon as we have the solution.

    Thank you,

    I’ve sent you an email regarding this problem.

    Please let me know if everything went ok.

    Thank you,

    Thanks for your quick reply. I’ve tested the change and it works! Great, thank you.

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    No problem.

    Thank you,

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