
This support request was posted in BBQ by rammendoza

Request ID #379 Resolved
  • Hell Juan,

    1) DO you support customization, service of customization of your template BBQ

    2.) I like thw ay you created the gallery in BBQ, with fancybox. My question website, and would like to do the same type of gallery page you did for BBQ. Can you also do cunsultancy job to have the fancybox installed my other template.

    Sorry to ask, i’m not really a programmer.

    Best regards,

    Ram mendoza

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hello Ram,

    Thanks for writing.

    We, as nice themes, don’t provide customization services so far. Anyway, you can contact our partners at and I’m sure you’ll get great services.


    Thanks Juan,

    Appreciate it 🙂


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    No problem.

    Have a great day,

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