Email Error

This support request was posted in Paeon by kevllar

Request ID #4051 Resolved
  • Hi,

    I’m getting an error when I submit my form. I’m not sure what could be the problem. I have included the form on my homepage and my contact page.

    I will send you FTP access also as you will need to see the child theme files.


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hello Kevin,

    Hello Kevin,

    Thanks for writing. The contact scripts use the wp_mail function(), which is the same function WordPress uses when sending emails.

    Do you know if your server has SMTP?

    In order to have your site sending emails you need:

    A) Settings SMTP and smtp_port need to be set in your php.ini
    B) Also, either set the sendmail_from setting in php.ini, or pass it as an additional header.

    These are server configuration issues, so maybe you can check this by contacting your hosting support.

    Thank you,

    Hi here’s what’s in my php.ini file. I’m hosted on Godaddy btw.

    register_globals = off
    allow_url_fopen = off

    expose_php = Off
    max_input_time = 60
    max_execution_time = 60
    variables_order = “EGPCS”
    extension_dir = ./
    upload_tmp_dir = /tmp
    precision = 12
    SMTP =
    url_rewriter.tags = “a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=,fieldset=”

    ; Only uncomment zend optimizer lines if your application requires Zend Optimizer support


    ; — Be very careful to not to disable a function which might be needed!
    ; — Uncomment the following lines to increase the security of your PHP site.

    ;disable_functions = “highlight_file,ini_alter,ini_restore,openlog,passthru,
    ; phpinfo, exec, system, dl, fsockopen, set_time_limit,
    ; popen, proc_open, proc_nice,shell_exec,show_source,symlink”

    The php.ini file is in the root folder however, my WP install is inside a folder called “dev” in the root. Do I need to move the php.ini file to that directory?

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hello Kevin,

    Thanks for writing back.

    I’m sorry but we can’t provide support on server issues. I’d recommend you to contact godaddy and ask them why is that your server isn’t sending emails. You could look into the logs to save some time.


    Found a solution that works. Since Godaddy sets up their servers differently for php email the easiest way around it is to install the wp-smtp wordpress plugin.

    Then follow the instructions here to setup your email account.

    Important thing to note is to use

    as your Host address. Do not use the smtp email address Godaddy uses for general email accounts. It won’t work.


    Create a new e-mail account using the GoDaddy mail control panel. If you already are using GoDaddy as your e-mail provider, you don’t need to create a new one.
    Install either WP-Mail-SMTP or Cimy Swift SMTP. Since I am not using Cimy Swift SMTP, my instructions apply to WP-Mail-SMTP, but the solution should be fairly similar for Cimy. Then activate the plug-in.
    In the WordPress administration console, click “Settings”.
    Click the Email link under “Settings” (or the equivalent for Cimy). Enter the following data:
    From Email: “” (without the quotes). This must be your GoDaddy hosted e-mail account.
    From Name: type in either your name or the name of your website. This will make the From line of the e-mail read as “From Name” .
    Mailer: Choose “Send all WordPress emails via SMTP”. Do not choose the “…PHP mail() function…” because it won’t work.
    SMTP Host: (do not use the SMTP server that GoDaddy provided you during your e-mail account sign-up. For the record, that is
    SMTP Port: 25 (default for most SMTP servers).
    Encryption: Choose “No encryption”. (I hope you aren’t sending sensitive data!)
    Authentication: Choose “No: Do not use SMTP authentication”.
    Click the Update Options button. You will be taken to the General Settings tab.
    Now click the Email link again. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and type in a valid e-mail address in the To: box under the “Send a Test Email” section.
    Click the Send Test button.

    Hope this helps someone out there.


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Kevin,

    Nice! thanks for sharing.

    Have a nice day,

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