featured images in info boxes
This support request was posted in Netelier by mariehdb
- mariehdb August 19, 2013 at 8:31 pm
Hi there,
Two quick questions regarding the featured images in info boxes on my homepage:
– can I make them clickable and link to another page?
– they seem to expand and take all the available space, no matter what size of image I use. But they’re currently too big for my liking. Is there a way to force their dimensions and how? And will it create issues with the responsivity if I do that?Thanks a lot!
MarieJuanfra Aldasoro August 19, 2013 at 9:18 pmHi Marie,
How are you today? Thanks for writing.
With regards to your questions:
– Actually there’s a way to do that but you’ll need to dig in into the code or ask a programmer to do it. Is something really simple.
– That’s because the same image is used for the responsive site as well. So, I’d recommend you to try and create a image of around 480×480 and then maybe use white space on the borders so they’ll look smaller when placed into the theme.Best,
Juan.mariehdb August 19, 2013 at 9:29 pmHi Juan
Thanks for the speedy reply. Are you sure we’re talking about the same images? I mean the ones in the info box. Because I uploaded them at 160×160 and they’re too big already. And I tried with 80×80 and they’re too big. So I get the idea of putting white around, but isn’t 480×480 quite big?
Am willing to go dig in the code and try (or look for more info on Wp forums). Would that be in customs-fields.php ?
Juanfra Aldasoro August 19, 2013 at 10:21 pmHi Marie,
No worries.
Yes, we’re talking about the same images 🙂 As they’re responsive, the correct width is given through css rules. So if you upload them in 160×160 they will look stretched and probably their look will be bad. If you upload them in the size I’ve mentioned it’s quite probable that they’ll look even better, because the theme does the work.
With regards to the links, you need to edit the file template-home.php, check how the script gets the permalink and wrap the image with the tag using that permalink.
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