Featured Images on menu pages
This support request was posted in BBQ by ARayRVA
- ARayRVA February 25, 2013 at 3:51 pm
Hello! I am having trouble with the featured images on menu pages. When you click on an item, it goes to a page where there is a large image on the left (your featured image) and then the text that you entered into the wysiwyg. I am having a few problems with these pages.
1. I want there to be a picture of the beer on the right above the content, which is working fine, however for some reason every time I add a picture above the item description it also appears on the left as an addition featured image.
2. Sometimes when I switch out my featured images, I end up with the old image AND the new image in the featured image section on the left.
3. How do you format the featured images to fit into the section on the left. I’ve tried making the images smaller, but the featured image will just blow it up to the same size it was (making it blurry) and it is still cut off on the right side.
Here’s an example: http://cotubrewing.com/menu/ray-rays-pale-ale/
Juanfra Aldasoro February 25, 2013 at 4:47 pmHello there,
The single menu item template is prepared to create a slider of all of the images you attach to that menu item. That’s why you see the slider when adding new images for that one. What you can do is use a plugin like http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/unattach/ to unlink images to that certain menu item, but at the same time display it over the content.
As the theme is prepared to be responsive and look good on all devices, many images are resized and displayed with percentages as dimensions. I would recommend you to take a look at this.
body.single-menu #content { width: 50%; }
You can resize that part of the template with that width.
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