FlatBase Features
This support request was posted in Flatbase by jasonfnorth
- jasonfnorth March 23, 2015 at 2:26 pm
We’re evaluating FlatBase and need confirmation if the following features are available?
1) FEATURES ON HOME PAGE – Can we mark articles in the knowledge as “Feature” to be featured on the Home Page? For example, we have 100 articles in category “Calendar”, but I want a certain 10 of them to show up under the “Calendar” category on the Home Page.
2) FEATURES ON KNOWLEDGEBASE PAGE – Can we mark articles in the knowledge as “Feature” to be featured on the KnowledgeBase Main page? For example, we have 100 articles in category “Calendar”, but I want a certain 10 of them to show up under the “Calendar” category on the KnowledgeBase Main Page.
3) ORDER – Can we control the order of articles? For example, I would like Article A to be Order 1 and Article B to be Order 2, so they show up in this order on the Home Page and/or KnowledgeBase Main Page.
a) We notice on the KnowledgeBase Main Page there are little icons, like a little VIDEO icon, which we like to designate if this article has a video.
http://demo.nicethemes.com/flatbase/knowledge-base/b) *HOWEVER* we notice on the KnowledgeBase List View for a specific category this icon is not visible. Is there a way to display the article type icons on this page (link below)?
http://demo.nicethemes.com/flatbase/article-category/getting-started/5) ARTICLE ICON – Not to be confused with the Article Type icon… can we add an icon to the left of each Category name on this page? Like the “Billing” category, can we put a Dollar Sign icon or something?
sumoScheduler.comJuanfra Aldasoro March 24, 2015 at 1:13 amHello Jason,
Thanks for writing. The forum is intended to work as a place to solve problems with the usage of the product.
Answering your questions:
1) You can use the “order” attribute, and that way, be setting an order you can select which ones to show.
2) The same as #1, the functionality is the same.
3) The same as #1 and #2.
4) The list view (archives page) is not prepared to display the article format (standard & video). There’s no way to do this from the dashboard, but if you are proficient in web development it is something doable. A good programmer would be able to complete that in half an hour, maximum.
5) The same as #4, that is not something that can be done from the dashboard or theme options. However, you are free to customize the theme as your needs. nicethemes.com/article/support-vs-customizations/
Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.
Juanjasonfnorth March 25, 2015 at 4:40 amThanks Juanfra. As a result of your post, I bought Flatbase today and am already impressed. It’s very clean, simple, and has most of the features we’re looking for.
One thing… I can’t find any shortcodes to put a TIP or a block of text with a square around it and background green or something. .. or a WARNING… with a red background, etc… Does anything like this exist?
Juanfra Aldasoro March 25, 2015 at 6:02 pmHi Jason,
Thanks for your kind words and your purchase 🙂 We’re happy to have you aboard. I’ll move this post to the Flatbase forum in order to keep the forums organized.
With regards to the question about shortcodes, we consider that those kind of shortcodes are plugin territory and we do not intend to bloat our themes with that kind of functionality.
I’d recommend you to try a plugin like this one: https://wordpress.org/plugins/shortcodes-ultimate/ (it is free and really well rated)
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