- tomupton February 23, 2013 at 7:49 pm
Hi There,
What a fantastic theme you have developed here.
I have a slight query about the food menu layout.
For some reason images are not appearing on this page? Also how can you get this page to layout like you have done on the demo? e.g http://demo.nicethemes.com/bbq/menu-list/ and http://demo.nicethemes.com/bbq/food-menu/
I have updated the theme to 1.0.7 but i cant seem to find any of the settings for these layouts 🙁
Juanfra Aldasoro February 23, 2013 at 10:13 pmHi Tom,
Thanks for your kind words regarding our work 🙂
In order to create menu pages, first you need to add food menu items, and food categories. Then, once you created all the food items you need, you can create a page and choose any of the two templates we’ve created for menus (grid and list).
Choosing page templates is a really easy task. We’ve written documentation about it. You can read it by following this link: http://nicethemes.com/support/theme-docs/bbq/#page-templates
Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.
Have a nice day,
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