Greyscale Filter on all images – how to remove

This support request was posted in Bref by jtragg

Request ID #1746 Resolved
  • I’m trying to get rid of the greyscale fade that happens on all images throughout the site, i would like it to only effect thumbnails. Ive been messing with the CSS, but it seems the main css files properties are over writing the new ones. is there a simpler solution to this?



    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi James,

    Thanks for writing. I’m not getting clear where is that you want to maintain the greyscale?


    oh sorry, I only want to keep a transition on the smaller thumbnail images, I do not want the greyscale fade on the full size images in the portfolio or the full size image on the homepage. The greyscale fade is only on :hover

    thanks for the quick reply!

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi James,

    No problem 🙂 I’m happy to help.

    You can try adding the following css over your custom.css file or within the custom css field in your theme options:

    .single .featured-image:hover,
    .post .featured-image:hover,
    .flexslider .slides img:hover{
    	filter: none;


    seems to still be turning the larger images greyscale on mouseover:

    http [://] jamestraggianese [dot] com/jcalm/?portfolio=running

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi James,

    I can see the you’ve added the filter property over the file custom.css

    Please replace filter: none 0 !important;

    With filter: none;

    In which browser are you checking the changes?


    I am checking in both chrome and firefox.

    it is changed back to filter: none; I was just seeing if !important would change anything

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Great – how do you see it now?


    it is still turning greyscale on mouse over

    after more extensive testing, it is fixed in firefox, but chrome and safari both still show the greyscale on hover

    For anyone else who may want to disable this feature here is my complete CSS for disabling the greyscale hover property (on non-thumbnail images).

    .single .featured-image:hover,
    .post .featured-image:hover,
    .flexslider .slides img:hover {
    filter: none; /* works for firefox */
    -webkit-filter: none; /*for chrome/ safari */
    -webkit-transition: none;

    This has disabled it in all the browsers I have tested with, Thanks for helping me figure this out

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi James,

    Brilliant 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

    Have a nice day,

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