Hide postdivrich and remove breadcrumb from article posts

This support request was posted in Flatbase by collinbrady

Request ID #37407 In Progress
  • Hey folks!

    I’m trying to do two things here:
    1. Hide the main rich text box editor from article posts (I want to use custom field here which I’ve created, but the main box still remains when people go to add new posts… I would love to hide that one)
    2. Hide the breadcrumb from the article post page. We use a large taxonomy for categories and it ends up being incredibly long when it shows all the different selected categories at the top so removing it would be extremely helpful.

    I’ve gone through a ton of suggestions across forums for different functions to remove the rich text box (I’m likely just referencing something wrong) and I’ve poured through the .php files trying to remove the breadcrumb trail only from article posts and am at a loss for how to do it.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    I actually figured out my issues with postdivrich.

    Now I’m only looking at how to disable the breadcrumb on article posts.

    Juanfra Aldasoro


    Thank you for writing. I hope you’re doing well.

    You can add the following CSS in order to remove the breadcrumbs on article pages:

    body.single-article .nice-breadcrumb {
        display: none;


    Thank you! This is resolved.

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