How can I make the headers sentence case or lower case?

This support request was posted in BBQ by SADK81

Request ID #1335 In Progress
  • How can I make the headers sentence case or lower case?

    Thanks for the quick responses to far 🙂

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hey there,

    No problem 🙂

    You mean the navigation menu?


    All the headers… I guess there isn’t one place to change them all.

    The navigation, Slider title, info box and widget titles, page titles etc…

    Juanfra Aldasoro


    You’re right, there’s no place to change them all.

    You can change them independently, for example the css for the navigation items:

    #navigation .nav li a { text-transform: capitalize; }

    The slider:

    .flex-caption h2 { text-transform: capitalize; }

    Infobox title:

    .infobox .entry-title { text-transform: capitalize; }

    Widget titles:

    .pre-footer-widgets .widget-section .widgettitle{ text-transform: capitalize; }

    You can easily retrieve each class by looking your site with firebug (


    Thanks! I use Chrome’s “Inspect Element” tool… is firebug similar?

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Yes, firebug is similar – it is available for Chrome/Firefox 🙂


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