How to modify BBpress in child theme
This support request was posted in Flatbase by akuimov
- akuimov September 16, 2016 at 9:33 pm
Hi. I would like to make some customizations for my BBpress forum. I downloaded child theme for Flatbase from and set it up , then I created here “bbpress” folder, put there bbpress.css and some templates like loop-single-forum.php, and did some modifications of this files. But I see no changes on my site. What I did wrong?
ALexeyJuanfra Aldasoro September 17, 2016 at 1:37 pmHi Alexey,
Thank you for writing. Would you please send the site and its credentials in a private reply?
bbPress should be loading the templates directly, as it is plugin territory and not theme.
Juan.Juanfra Aldasoro September 19, 2016 at 6:27 pmHi Alexey,
Thanks for waiting. We’ve just released a new update for Flatbase containing a fix for the bbPress child theme stylesheet issue.
You will need to download the latest version of the theme and update it.
You can learn how to update your theme here:
Juan.akuimov September 20, 2016 at 10:44 amHi, Juan
Thanks for help. But I bought this theme on, and there still old version 1.0.8
Best wishes,
AlexeyJuanfra Aldasoro September 20, 2016 at 1:57 pmHi Alexey,
Thank you for the follow up. We’ve update the theme yesterday on ThemeForest before replying your message. Please go to your downloads section and try again.
Juan.akuimov September 20, 2016 at 4:23 pmHi Juan.
After theme update layout broked:
It was like this (Flatbase 1.0.8)And now it’s looks like this (Flatbase 1.0.9)Juanfra Aldasoro September 20, 2016 at 5:33 pmHi Alexey,
Thank you for the follow up.
The thing with child themes and bbPress is that they don’t work the same way the main theme stylesheet does.
You will need to copy the original /bbpress/bbpress.css file and then add your changes over there.
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