Images uploading but not showing correctly on site

This support request was posted in BBQ by nickeburr

Request ID #1951 Resolved
  • Hi

    I’m a WordPress novice and have been enjoying using the BBQ theme working on a site for a friend.

    I have tried to do some more work on the site today but have encountered the following problems and I have absolutely no idea what is causing them.

    1. When I try to create a gallery (I am using the gallery template and uploading the files correctly) on uploading images to the page some are showing as blanks in the Media folder (it is recognising that an image is there but just not showing it) and it is also not showing in the gallery on my page. Other images are appearing on my gallery page as correctly rendered thumbnails but when I click on them is says “The requested content cannot be loaded…” Other images in the same gallery are working as expected i.e. a lightbox appears when the thumbnail is clicked! It is all very odd.

    I have had no problems in getting this to work before and haven’t changed anything in my set-up so have no idea what is going wrong.

    2. A similar issue. When I try to upload an image into the ‘Custom Logo’ field in the Nice Themes settings it is not appearing on the site (I just get the BBQ logo). I have tried using the same image that worked perfectly well before but now nothing appears (I am following the correct steps). Again, something appears to be recognised as have been uploaded (it says “Remove Image” in the Custom Logo box) but I can’t actually see anything.

    I am going mad and would be extremely grateful for some advice. I am working on the site locally (using WAMP server).

    Many thanks,


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Nick,

    Fist of all thanks for writing, and thanks for your kind words.

    I’m wondering, did you update the framework without having the latest BBQ version?

    We’ve added a new image functionality in the latest version (both the theme and framework). So, it’s probable that if you have the latest framework version but with an old version of the theme it won’t work as expected.


    Hi Juan

    Thanks for getting back so quickly.

    I wasn’t aware there was an update. I originally purchased my copy of the theme from ThemeForest but can’t seem to find it on their site anymore so can’t get an update from there.

    Is there any other way I can get hold of the update (my current version is 1.0.8)?

    Many thanks,


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Nick,

    No problem 🙂 Yes, actually we’re working into something more visible regarding updates.

    Oh, ok – Will you send me your purchase id over so I can add your purchase in our system? That way you’ll be able to get any update in your dashboard.

    Thank you,

    Hi Juan

    I have updated the theme to 1.1 – many thanks for providing the update.

    Unfortunately I still have the same problem. (I assume I have uploaded the update correctly – the theme is showing as version 1.1)

    When I upload documents (whether it be adding image to a gallery template page or a custom logo) I go through the steps that have worked perfectly well before, but the images just aren’t showing on the pages. As mentioned before, in both cases there appears to have been files uploaded (I can see the image details in the media uploader e.g. file name/dimension) but the images appearing in the ‘Insert media’ and ‘Custom Logo’ area are blank! Nor do they appear when I try to preview the page. I am using jpegs created in photoshop as i have done so in the past.

    I have not changed anything since it all worked last time (other than updating WordPress and now the theme.)

    Apologies for the rather basic description – any further thoughts would be gratefully received.

    Best regards,


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Nick,

    Thanks for writing. Unfortunately I’m a bit blind about giving my opinion due you’re working locally and there can be a lot of things going on. Is there any chance you can put your site in a server so I can check it out?

    Thank you,

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