Internal keyword and sub-article search

This support request was posted in Flatbase by airwoot

Request ID #5422 In Progress
  • Hello,

    We would like to implement internal keyword and sub-article search from the central search bar present in the demo of the Flatbase theme.

    This search however only searches for article names.

    I saw another similar question in the forum where you explained that we can also set the /include/functions.php to ‘faq’ or ‘posts’ as well.

    But we need internal keywords, like when we search for ‘ticket’ it shows all articles containing the word, along with highlights.

    Is it possible with this theme? Can you provide a suggestion regarding any other plugin or workaround to implement this internal searching and sym-linking?

    Our site consists of only articles than appear under categories on the main page like the demo page.

    Urgent issue. Help asap!

    Juanfra Aldasoro


    Thanks for writing.

    The search results provided by the live search bar, is the WordPress built-in search functionality. The WordPress built-in functionality not only does the search by title, but it also includes the contents. You can try the following search for example: ‘void’.

    You won’t see that word in the titles but the content.


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