- JayTea November 3, 2013 at 5:09 pm
Hello Juan,
First, I’d like to thank you for all of your help in the past in getting me straightened out in terms of setting up the site’s menu. You’ve been patient, responsive and a true professional. I appreciate that.
OK – so, I have a couple of questions regarding the menu.
By default, I’ve combined tea and food items under one general menu titled MENU in the primary navigation. Originally, I was hoping for two separate navigation menus – one for TEA and another one for FOOD, however, even after much formatting explanation I was/am unable to figure out how to break these up correctly into two separate menus in the primary nav. My problem now that I’ve combined both menus is that I have far too much menu content and categories (left column sub menu links) and apparently there is a limit to how many left column sub menu links can be listed because at a certain point when scrolling down the sub menus prematurely stop and you cannot see the remainder of the list.
I’m wondering if I can easily split the MENU into the two nav menus: TEA and FOOD after all and therefore free up room to allow all of the left column sub menu links to be shown. If for some reason the left column sub menu links are still cut-off, I’d then like to switch over to the grid view but I cannot locate that option anywhere. I’ve seen it before but cannot seem to find it again.
So to review simply:
Best case scenario
Eliminate the current general primary site navigation menu category: “MENU”.
Separate “TEA” and “FOOD” menus with their respective content and sub menu links would be a part of the primary site navigation. I can’t figure out how to take what I’ve already established under MENU and make this happen. In this best case scenario, I’d prefer to keep the page format as “list” vs. grid because I like how you can click on a link and the menu scrolls to that item description.Worst case scenario
Keep both tea menu and food menu under the navigation menu “MENU” and either expand the ability to show the remaining left column sub menu links -or- find the page format area and change it to grid view.Right now, I have all of the menu content uploaded and ready to go under MENU but the menu is huge and not all of the left column sub menu links are showing so that’s not good. There will not be any photos in the menu.
Seeing what I have now, can you please take a look at the site and see what I’m talking about and let me know if I can get the best case scenario above and if so, how I can easily do that. I’m hoping I wouldn’t have to re-upload all of the content but instead can simply designate a new primary navigation page to link specific content to.
Thank you,
JayTeaJuanfra Aldasoro November 4, 2013 at 10:20 amHi Jay,
Thanks for writing and for the kind words about our support.
The most simple way to achieve what you’re looking for is having two “root” food menu categories. One named “Tea” and the other one named “Food”. You can then assign all the categories you want as child categories of these. What I mean with this, is to edit the ones you already have in your site to make them child of these new ones. For example, “Green Teas – Japan” would be a child category of “Tea”.
Once you’ve organised all the categories, you can use the built in “menu category template” to show both “Tea” and “Food”.
This is fairly simple. Just go to “Food Menu > Menu Categories” and when you step over “Food” or “Tea” just click where it says “View”. That link will take you to the “menu category template”.
I hope this helps.
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