Mighty Deals Themse

This support request was posted in General Support by Austinhoney

Request ID #3170 Resolved
  • I was supposed to get all four themes for my $27 but the only one in the account is Folly (which I don’t want) and I can’t get the other themes without paying for them…again.

    How do I get the four themes I’ve purchased??

    Thanks, Lori

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hello Lori,

    Thanks for your purchase. When you buy the deal from mightydeals.com you get an URL address of the deal checkout page and a coupon code. When you visit the URL and you apply the coupon you get, then the price of the deal is $0, because the purchase was already made in the MightyDeals site. You place the order, with a $0 price and you get the themes.


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