Ordering of Latest Posts area

This support request was posted in Netelier by ifssvas

Request ID #1500 Resolved
  • Support,
    This is Jerome.

    Here is my site: http://www.cbsullivanconsulting.com/

    I would like to order the Latest Posts differently.

    I always want the latest posts first.

    The order right now is as follows at the bottom of that page:

    Creativity – sometimes “less” can lead to “more” / What is the “Right” amount of BUSY? / Time “Investments” / “Time Junk”

    I want them to be in this order:

    “Time Junk” / Time “Investments” / What is the “Right” amount of BUSY? / Creativity – sometimes “less” can lead to “more”

    So again, I just want them to have the latest posts to the oldest posts in that area.

    How can this be done?

    Thanks for you help!

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Jerome,

    Thanks for writing.

    You can pick the order for the latest blog in the Options Panel.

    You need to go to “Theme Options > Home Options” and change the option “Blog Order” (the last one).

    Then, you need to open the file template-home.php and change line #222, replacing ASC with DESC


    Thanks so much Juanfra! That worked like a charm.

    You can close this topic.

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Jerome,

    I’m happy to hear that.

    Have a nice day,

    Hi Juanfra,
    Had to reopen this one, because now I am having issues with the “Info Boxes” which are at the top of this page: http://www.cbsullivanconsulting.com/

    I need the latest post for that area to be first and the latest one that should be first in that area, should be: TIME

    In the “Home Options” area I had the Info Boxes Order as “Random”, but that doesn’t work, because everytime the page is refreshed, the items change order and that is not what I want.

    I always want the latest and greatest to be first.

    What you told me to do in the past: Then, you need to open the file template-home.php and change line #222, replacing ASC with DESC, is still in place throiughout the code.

    What do I do to make what I want to happen?

    Thanks in advance…Jerome

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Jerome,

    Thanks for writing.

    You have to do the same in line #45.


    I have already replaced ASC with DESC in line 45.

    What now?


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Jerome,

    In order for this tweak to work you need to pick the “Menu Order” for the infoboxes.


    I have already clicked on “Info Boxes” and then I changed the Order for each of those 4 items, which are number 1 through 4, but it doesn’t do anything.

    Is that what you are talking? If so, that doesn’t work.

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hello Jerome,

    No, I’m talking about the Info Boxes Order – Instead of having that with “Date”, pick “Menu Order”.


    Well, under “Nice Themes” / “Home Options” / “Info Boxes Order” / the pulldown for that has the following values: Date, Page Order, Title and Random

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Sorry, it’s “Menu Order” then.


    There is no “Menu Order” under the “Home Options” area.

    I found “Menu Order” under “Design and Styles” area and changed that, but that didn’t work.

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Sorry, my bad – It’s “Page Order”.


    Ok, that worked, but had to go back to template-home.php and change line #45, and change DESC to ASC to have it order correctly.

    THANKS SO MUCH for your help.

    This can be closed.

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