Posting hyperlinks in slide box text on hompage

This support request was posted in BBQ by TheHungryLobbyist

Request ID #479 Resolved
  • TheHungryLobbyist

    I can’t figure out how to get the homepage slider to link to anything. I put content in the body on the backend thinking that would do it – but I see in the demo you can hyperlink the text in the description box on the slide. I just can’t figure out how to do that on the backend either. Any help for this blogger 101? Thank you!

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hello there,

    When creating a slide, you have to use the field “Slide Description” to edit what you’ll see on the slide content. To include a link over there you can do it with a simple html tag:

    text of the link

    Replace with the URL you want to use.
    Replace “text of the link” with the anchor text you want to use.



    Hmmmm, ok, thanks. I get the slide description part. But all I can do it type text in that box – even when I put a link in that box – it doesn’t hyperlink. I am sure this sounds like I am really dumb, but I’m not real experienced with HTML, etc.

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Oh sorry, my bad!

    The forum replaced the html content I’ve posted.

    This is what you need to use:

    text of the link

    Sorry again,


    WORKED! thanks

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Brilliant! I’m glad it worked 🙂

    Have a nice day,

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