Quality of Featured Image

This support request was posted in Bref by stefoto

Request ID #1441 Resolved
  • Hi there,
    I have been messing with this all day with no resolve. The featured image I set on my site has a substantially lower quality than the rest of the photos on my site. This doesn’t look good being that this is the first image a client sees when they visit my site. How is this corrected??


    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Stefanie,

    Thanks for writing.

    When you refer to the featured image, where in your site can I check that? (home/portfolio/about?)

    Thank you,

    in the portfolio, which also is displayed on the home page. right now i’ve got one portfolio up, her name is leah. click on her specific portfolio. the top photo that scrolls the other photos starts off with the featured image and scrolls through the rest in that portfolio. if you view all the photos through the scroll, they all have a lower quality than if you scroll down the page to look at the photos individually.

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Stefanie,

    Thanks for your quick response. By default our resizing function set a quality of 90 (being 100 the best quality). You can try and edit the function call for the images in the portfolio page.

    This would be, opening the file single-portfolio.php and editing the line #52. Where it says:

    nice_image( array ( 'echo' => 0, 'width' => 730, 'class' => 'wp-post-image', 'src' => $src ) ). "\n";

    You’ll have to add the quality parameter, and set it to 100:

    nice_image( array ( 'echo' => 0, 'width' => 730, 'class' => 'wp-post-image', 'src' => $src, 'quality' => 100 ) ). "\n";

    If you also want to change this in your home page, it would be doing the same over the file template-home.php, line #193.

    Thank you,

    I did it and dont see any difference in the portfolio…

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Would you please send me your FTP details over support@nicethemes.com ?


    Is there no other way to fix this than to give my log in info?

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Stefanie,

    Having your FTP details is the only way I can take a look at your files and actually try to solve your specific problem. We don’t share this details at all, so you don’t have to be worried about it. If you want you can create a specific FTP account for use, restricting the content that we can see in your server.


    Juan, I have sent you an email. Thanks.

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Thank you Stefanie.


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