Remove date and category

This support request was posted in Netelier by ronaldwiedemeyer

Request ID #3399 In Progress
  • ronaldwiedemeyer

    On the frontpage i got a message. But I don’t want to have the date and category shown.
    Can you help me how to remove it?


    I allready installed WP Date remover so the date is removed. But I also want to remove the categories and ‘no comment’

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hello Ronald,

    Thanks for writing.

    You can edit that on the function nice_post_meta(), in the file /includes/functions.php


    grrrrrr i did something strange. Can u please take a look at my site?
    On the left top, i got the words: .post-by {display:none;} .tags {display:none;}

    OK, got it back 😉
    But didnt understand your nice_post_meta…….. etc.

    Hello Ronald,

    The function nice_post_meta() in the file I’ve indicated is the function responsible of creating the post metadata (the information that you want to edit).

    You can either do that, or use CSS, with the display attribute as you mentioned.


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