Replacing knowlegebase block on homepage with custom menus

This support request was posted in Flatbase by lisajoy

Request ID #6364 In Progress
  • Hey, we’re not super keen on the way the knowledge block area on the homepage displays posts and would like to have more control over this. I think the easiest would be if we could switch the “knowlegebase block” to a widget area where we can add our own text or custom menu.

    Can you suggest code I could use to replace the current code – shown below:

    if ( isset( $nice_options[‘nice_articles_entries’] ) ) $number_articles = $nice_options[‘nice_articles_entries’];
    else $number_articles = 5;

    nicethemes_knowledgebase( array(
    ‘columns’ => 3,
    ‘numberposts’ => $number_articles,
    ‘before’ => ”,
    ‘after’ => ”

    Hi Liza,

    Thank you for writing.

    First of all, I’d recommend you that if you want to customize the entire template, you create a child theme:

    Secondly, I think I’m not fully understanding your question. Do you mean that you want to change what it appears before and after the knowledge base block?


    Thanks for getting back to me Juan. I would like to replace what is displaying in the knowledge base block (ie: 3 columns of articles) with the article categories. I think the best way to do this would be to change it to three widget areas so I can just add widgets of custom menus or text or whatever I want.

    Great advice re: child theme 🙂


    No problem. Well if you don’t want to have the knowledgebase there, you can edit the home template in your child theme and remove the block there.

    You can re-use that template in your child theme and edit it to display anything that fit your site needs. You can use plain text or define new widgetized spaces. Unfortunately we cannot give you support for this kind of customizations:


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