Template requirements for stable setup

This support request was posted in Flatbase by GDAS

Request ID #39435 In Progress
  • Hi,

    Thanks for a great template!
    We have it setup on our own local network, on our own server, as an intranet site for the employees. We are really pleased with how the template works for that purpose.

    We are however experiencing some trouble with stability. The site shuts down with either a 504 error or a DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error, once or twice an hour or so. So several times during the day. And we simply can’t figure out what might be causing this.

    We have a million settings, and we are thinking that it is something in out setup. We just don’t know what it could be. So we were wondering if there is something your template requires to run correctly, that we might have overlooked. Or perhaps you have an idea of how we can fix it.

    Any help is greatly appreciated! Hope to hear from you.

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