Twitter Feed

This support request was posted in Netelier by ronaldwiedemeyer

Request ID #1804 Resolved
  • ronaldwiedemeyer

    The Twitter Feed doesn’t work anymore.
    I know Twitter changed something, but i don’t know what.
    Can u help me?

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hi Ronald,

    Thanks for writing. Unfortunately the reason of this issue has to do with Twitter’s new API ( They now ask for an API key on every request, thing that breaks the way that many users/sites/wordpress themes were retrieving the tweets.

    We’re looking for a solution regarding this issue. I hope to have news soon. We’ll be posting updates on our twitter account @nice_themes

    Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience,



    I posted an text field in the footer with the html code from Twitter.

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Excellent 🙂

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