update to wp5.3 broke links to articles

This support request was posted in Flatbase by slatis

Request ID #38503 In Progress
  • I updated my support section (which uses flatbase) to wp5.3 from 4.9.7. After updating, ALL the article links were broken. There was no obvious way to fix it. The links looked like this

    Add Users to Your Account

    And none of them worked – every link was broken and led to our 404 page. I have rolled back to the older version for now. Any suggestions that could help?

    I included the link to the page above in my original post without realizing it wouldn’t display. So here it is again, modified to display properly as text (adding a space in the domain:

    timesheets .com/support/article/adding-users/

    Juanfra Aldasoro


    Thank you for writing.

    We’re using Flatbase in a local install with WordPress 5.0.3 and couldn’t reproduce your issue.

    Did you get something in your php/server error log? Also, were you getting 404s or blank pages?


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