The Home Template Options section will help you configure the way your page will display when using the “Home Page” template as the front page of your website. This way you will be able to create a professional good looking page.
The Home Page template for this theme is meant to work with our plugins:
- Nice Portfolio
- Nice Infoboxes
- Nice Team
- Nice Testimonials
The Options for the home page template are the following:
- Home Page Sections: You can reorder the content sections by modifying the order of the following:
[content] [infoboxes] [portfolio] [team] [testimonials]
. They will work as long as they are installed and only if you have created any content for them. - Display Content Section: By enabling this option, the content inserted when creating the page will be displayed.
Infoboxes↑ Back to Top
If Nice InfoBoxes is enabled you will see a subset of options for the Home Template named “Infoboxes”. With these options you will be able to configure if you want to display the infoboxes and how you would like them to display:
- Enable Infoboxes Section: By enabling this option, the infoboxes section will be displayed when using the “Home Page” template.
- Infoboxes Section Title: You can insert a title for the section.
- Infoboxes Section Description: You can insert a description for this section.
- Columns: The number of columns you would like your infoboxes to be displayed in.
- Limit: The total amount of elements you would like to display.
- Infoboxes Background Image: Upload/select a background image from the media library.
- Infoboxes Background Color: Pick a color from the color palette.
- Infoboxes Section Skin: Select a skin (light or dark)
Portfolio↑ Back to Top
If Nice Portfolio is enabled you will see a subset of options for the Home Template named “Portfolio”. With these options you will be able to configure if you want to display the infoboxes and how you would like them to display:
- Enable Portfolio Section: By enabling this option, the portfolio section will be displayed when using the “Home Page” template.
- Portfolio Section Title: You can insert a title for the section.
- Portfolio Section Description: You can insert a description for this section.
- Columns: The number of columns you would like your projects to be displayed in.
- Limit: The total amount of elements you would like to display.
- Prevent Grid Gap: Tick this if you don’t want to have a gap in the grid of portfolio projects.
- Grid Style: Masonry/Metro
- Full Width: Enable this if you want this section to be full width
- Portfolio Background Image: Upload/select a background image from the media library.
- Portfolio Background Color: Pick a color from the color palette.
- Portfolio Section Skin: Select a skin (light or dark)
Team Members↑ Back to Top
If Nice Team is enabled you will see a subset of options for the Home Template named “Team Members”. With these options you will be able to configure if you want to display the team members and how you would like them to display:
- Enable Team Section: By enabling this option, the team section will be displayed when using the “Home Page” template.
- Team Section Title: You can insert a title for the section.
- Team Section Description: You can insert a description for this section.
- Columns: The number of columns you would like your team members to be displayed in.
- Limit: The total amount of elements you would like to display.
- Team Background Image: Upload/select a background image from the media library.
- Team Background Color: Pick a color from the color palette.
- Team Section Skin: Select a skin (light or dark)
Testimonials↑ Back to Top
If Nice Testimonials is enabled you will see a subset of options for the Home Template named “Testimonials”. With these options you will be able to configure if you want to display the testimonials and how you would like them to display:
- Enable Testimonials Section: By enabling this option, the testimonials section will be displayed when using the “Home Page” template.
- Testimonials Section Title: You can insert a title for the section.
- Testimonials Section Description: You can insert a description for this section.
- Columns: The number of columns you would like your testimonials to be displayed in.
- Limit: The total amount of elements you would like to display.
- Testimonials Background Image: Upload/select a background image from the media library.
- Testimonials Background Color: Pick a color from the color palette.
- Testimonials Section Skin: Select a skin (light or dark)