Only showing 5 posts on homepage
This support request was posted in Flatbase by OliverS
- OliverS November 24, 2023 at 2:21 pm
Hi there,
On the homepage I would like to list all the ‘article’ posts in each of the two categories. Currently it only shows 5 in the list. I see an option in the Theme Options (under Home Options, Knowledge Base) called ‘Number of articles per category’ which presumably should enable me to increase this? I have this set to the max (15) but this appears to have no effect – still only 5 per category show. Please advise.
Also can I change the sort order of these? It appears to be sorted by last edit date, which contradicts the Knowledge base page which is by creation date.
OliverS November 28, 2023 at 10:18 amI worked out how to do this!
For anyone else who’s looking to do it, the amount of articles is changed simply by changing the ‘numberposts’ value within the shortcode.
[nicethemes_knowledgebase columns="2" numberposts="5"]
The order of the articles is based on the ‘order value’ of the post. This can be changed in the ‘quick edit’ area of each article by putting a value in the ‘Order’ field.
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