Only showing 5 posts on homepage

This support request was posted in Flatbase by OliverS

Request ID #42326 Resolved
  • Hi there,

    On the homepage I would like to list all the ‘article’ posts in each of the two categories. Currently it only shows 5 in the list. I see an option in the Theme Options (under Home Options, Knowledge Base) called ‘Number of articles per category’ which presumably should enable me to increase this? I have this set to the max (15) but this appears to have no effect – still only 5 per category show. Please advise.

    Also can I change the sort order of these? It appears to be sorted by last edit date, which contradicts the Knowledge base page which is by creation date.

    I worked out how to do this!

    For anyone else who’s looking to do it, the amount of articles is changed simply by changing the ‘numberposts’ value within the shortcode.
    [nicethemes_knowledgebase columns="2" numberposts="5"]

    The order of the articles is based on the ‘order value’ of the post. This can be changed in the ‘quick edit’ area of each article by putting a value in the ‘Order’ field.

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Thank you for sharing. Marking this one as resolved.

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