The Performance section contains options to make your website load even faster. These performance tweaks work independently from cache plugins. However, if you’re using some CSS or JavaScript optimization plugin like Autoptimize (which we recommend), you should reset the plugin’s cache after changing any of these settings.
Images↑ Back to Top
- JPEG Quality: Change the compression level of uploaded images and thumbnails. This means all images uploaded from now on will be compressed using the selected level, and will have a lower size. Default: 90.
- Enable LazyLoad for images: Only load images when they’re about to enter the viewport while scrolling (using the LazyLoad library). This can help reduce server load, since the images won’t be downloaded by the browser right away, but right before they need to be displayed. Default: On.
- Apply LazyLoad to logo images: Check if you want to apply LazyLoad to your logo images too. Not recommended if you want your logo to be displayed right away. This option doesn’t show up when “Enable LazyLoad for images” is off. Default: Off.
CSS↑ Back to Top
- Load CSS asynchronously: Check this option to load non-prioritary CSS files in separated threads, so your pages can load faster. This will make the files non-blocking and the browser will load them once the rest of the page is fully loaded. Keep in mind that, when using this feature, some styling may be applied a little later than usual. Default: Off.
- Load Google Fonts asynchronously: Check this option to load Google Fonts in a separated, non-blocking thread, so your pages can load faster. This will make Google Fonts non-blocking and the browser will load them once the rest of the page is fully loaded. Keep in mind that some styling may be applied a little later than usual. This option doesn’t show up when “Load CSS asynchronously” is off. Default: Off.
JavaScript↑ Back to Top
- Load JavaScript files asynchronously: Load some JavaScript files in different threads, and only load dependencies when they are needed. This can make your pages load faster and help reduce server load. Default: On.
- Load minified JavaScript files: Reduce JavaScript file size by loading processed files instead of their development versions. This can make your pages load faster and help reduce server load. Disabling this option is not recommended for production websites. Default: On.
Advanced↑ Back to Top
- Enable Development Mode: Development mode can help you debug potential issues while building your site by printing messages to the browser’s JavaScript console. This option is not recommended for production websites. However, if you run into an issue and create a support ticket, we may ask you to temporarily activate this setting. Default: Off.