Adding an extra logo to the right of the menu

This support request was posted in Paeon by richpearsonwd

Request ID #2407 Resolved
  • Hi Bud,

    I want to add an extra logo to the right of the menu, how would I go about that please?


    Hi Rich,

    Thanks for writing. Unfortunately that can’t be done through the theme options.



    Appreciate that, how and where do I need to add it manually to make it work?

    I assume create a new new and apply css for it, but just wondered where please?


    Hi Rich,

    Unfortunately giving support on customisations is out of our support scope. It’s not that we are just bad people, and we don’t want to do it; the problem is that there’s no way to create a sustainable business bringing customisation support included in the support of buying a template. I’m sorry about this.

    I would try and play around the file header.php cause that’s where the navigation menu is.


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