Adding categories to FAQs

This support request was posted in Flatbase by pakhibagai

Request ID #6687 Resolved
  • How can I select categories under the FAQs? Right now I only seem to be able to add tags.

    Hi pakhibagai,

    FAQs don’t support categories nor tags. In fact, they shouldn’t even be available for them, and will be removed from there in next versions of Flatbase.



    Thanks for the response Ricardo.

    Am a little surprised because my assumption is that categories and tags help while running a query/search! Am I correct?

    Hi pakhibagai,

    WordPress’ native search functionality relies in finding keywords in the post title or content.

    WordPress’ categories and tags (which are both taxonomies) serve the purpose of classificating posts (of any type), and may be used as filters in advanced custom queries (either searches, or not).

    In this case, the FAQ post type is only used in the two FAQ-related templates provided by Flatbase. Since that post type is not supposed to be filtered nor show up in searches, there is no real use for categories or tags associated with it.

    I hope the subject is more clear now. Please let me know if we can be of further assistance.



    Thanks for responding Ricardo.

    Hi pakhibagai,

    Thank you for writing. Please let us know if you need anything else.



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