Adding latest news to homepage?

This support request was posted in Paeon by richpearsonwd

Request ID #2417 Resolved
  • Sorry hopefully last one for today, is there a way to add latest news snippets/posts to the homepage please?


    Hello Rich,

    Thanks for writing. If you enable the feedback items on your home page, then the Widgetized space for the Home Page is available. On the theme demo that place is filled with the Appointments Widget. You can place a widget with your recent posts over there. That’s the only way to include the latest posts on the home page through the theme options.


    Done that thanks, and although it will do for now, what I can’t get to work is the title styling from the widget, I would have hoped that Latest News would have been added so the title of the widget appears as the other H3 tags do, but it doesn’t is there somewhere I can add this class please bud?

    Juanfra Aldasoro

    Hello Rich,

    Thanks for your response. I’m not sure if I understand what you say. The widget let you pick a title.

    If you want to change the style of the title you can do it through CSS. With firebug or the chrome developer tools you can get to know which class you need to edit/modify. For this case, it’s #sidebar .widget h3{}


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